Archive for Category: News

How will the CRS actually work in these countries?

The CRS law is not the same in all countries, which also includes laws, IT systems, and many dedicated resources. In fact, the Standard itself is continuously undergoing amendments. However, we can identify some common points as the backbone of the CRS. Financial institutions must report information on reportable...

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CRS in Panama and the Bahamas

Panama passed its primary CRS legislation in 2016, then passed a second law in 2017, and to be enforceable as of 2018, the regulatory decree was published on December 26, 2017. The same happened in the Bahamas, where authorities even published the obligations and deadlines for depository, custody, and...

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The Swiss case

This confusion is not new, I remember back in 2010 the messages of Swiss bankers about the end of bank secrecy, were very confusing. Some mentioned it was ending and others that it was not; others claimed that transparency was approaching but only for Europe and the US. For...

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CRS countries and deadlines

The deadline for reporting information automatically under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is approaching. Financial institutions from 51 countries must report in September 2018, including, but not limited to, Andorra, the Bahamas, Belize, Monaco, Panama, Uruguay, Israel, and Switzerland. To access the complete list of countries and the progress...

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It is really the end of bank secrecy?

Making a not-so-comprehensive analysis of the banking and information exchange rules of the United States, it is clear that we are still a long way from the end of bank secrecy. While the rest of the countries are moving rapidly towards transparency, promoted by the OECD, their main partner...

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Días pasados se modificó el IBC Act de Belice, el cual regula a las International Business Companies (IBC’s) de dicha jurisdicción. La adenda establece (entre otras cosas) la prohibición por ley de constituir entidades con Acciones al Portador y a proveer información sobre Directores y Beneficiarios Finales al Agente...

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